Homeopathy Resources
Welcome to our homeopathy resources page, where you can find comprehensive information about various homeopathic remedies, medicines, and therapies.
Bach Flower Remedies:
Bach Flower Remedies are a system of natural remedies designed to help balance emotions and promote overall well-being. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, these remedies are made from flower essences and are used to address specific emotional states.
Here is a brief overview of each Bach Flower Remedy and what they address:
1. Agrimony: For those who hide their worries behind a cheerful facade. It helps to address inner turmoil, anxiety, and emotional pain masked by a jovial exterior.
2. Aspen: For vague fears and anxiety of unknown origin. Useful for addressing apprehension, premonitions, and unexplained feelings of dread.
3. Beech: For intolerance and critical attitudes towards others. Helps to promote tolerance, understanding, and acceptance of differences.
4. Centaury: For people who have difficulty saying no and are easily influenced by others. Aids in asserting oneself, setting boundaries, and gaining inner strength.
5. Cerato: For lack of trust in one's own judgment and constantly seeking advice from others. Supports intuition, confidence, and self-reliance in decision-making.
6. Cherry Plum: For fear of losing control and irrational thoughts. It helps to bring about inner calm, mental clarity, and emotional stability during moments of crisis.
7. Chestnut Bud: For those who fail to learn from past mistakes and repeat them. Encourages awareness, reflection, and the ability to break repetitive patterns.
8. Chicory: For possessive and overprotective behavior. Promotes unconditional love, generosity, and the ability to give without expecting anything in return.
9. Clematis: For dreamy, absent-minded individuals who have difficulty concentrating. Helps to ground the individual in the present moment, fostering focus, and practicality.
10. Crab Apple: For feelings of shame, self-disgust, and obsession with cleanliness. Supports self-acceptance, purity, and a balanced sense of self.
11. Elm: For feelings of overwhelm and inadequacy when facing responsibilities. Restores confidence, resilience, and the ability to handle tasks with ease.
12. Gentian: For despondency and pessimism after setbacks or challenges. Brings about renewed hope, faith, and optimism in the face of adversity.
13. Gorse: For feelings of hopelessness and despair, with a sense of resignation. Instills faith, perseverance, and a belief in the possibility of positive outcomes.
14. Heather: For those who constantly seek attention and tend to monopolize conversations. Encourages empathy, listening skills, and consideration for others' needs.
15. Holly: For feelings of jealousy, suspicion, and resentment towards others. Promotes love, compassion, and openness to experiencing genuine connections with others.
16. Honeysuckle: For dwelling on memories, nostalgia, and homesickness. It helps to release attachments to the past, fostering presence and acceptance of the present moment.
17. Hornbeam: For feelings of mental and physical fatigue, especially in the morning. Restores vitality, motivation, and enthusiasm for daily tasks.
18. Impatiens: For impatience, irritability, and a tendency to rush things. Cultivates patience, tolerance, and the ability to move through life with ease and grace.
19. Larch: For lack of confidence and fear of failure. Builds self-assurance, inner strength, and the belief in one's abilities to succeed.
20. Mimulus: For fear of known things, shyness, and timidity. Provides courage, inner peace, and the ability to confront fears with confidence.
21. Mustard: For sudden onset of deep sadness or depression with no apparent cause. Dispels gloom, restores emotional balance, and brings about inner lightness.
22. Oak: For perseverance, strength, and resilience in the face of adversity. Supports endurance, determination, and the ability to keep going despite challenges.
23. Olive: For exhaustion, both mental and physical, after periods of intense activity. Restores energy, vitality, and a sense of rejuvenation after periods of depletion.
24. Pine: For feelings of guilt, self-blame, and unworthiness. Promotes self-acceptance, forgiveness, and a balanced sense of self-worth.
25. Red Chestnut: For excessive worry and fear for the well-being of others. Encourages trust, faith, and the ability to let go of unnecessary concerns.
26. Rock Rose: For situations involving terror, panic, or extreme fear. Provides courage, strength, and the ability to face challenging situations with calmness and resilience.
27. Rock Water: For rigid attitudes, self-denial, and perfectionism. Encourages flexibility, self-acceptance, and the ability to embrace imperfections.
28. Scleranthus: For indecision, fluctuating moods, and difficulty making choices. Brings about inner balance, decisiveness, and the ability to trust one's intuition.
29. Star of Bethlehem: For shock, trauma, and emotional healing. Supports inner peace, comfort, and the release of emotional wounds from past experiences.
30. Sweet Chestnut: For extreme mental anguish and despair, often described as the "dark night of the soul." Offers solace, hope, and the promise of renewal during times of deepest despair.
31. Vervain: For overenthusiasm, hyperactivity, and a tendency to push oneself too hard. Encourages moderation, balance, and the ability to channel energy effectively.
32. Vine: For domineering, authoritarian behavior, and a lack of empathy towards others. Promotes leadership qualities tempered with compassion, respect, and cooperation.
33. Walnut: For protection from outside influences during periods of transition or change. Provides inner strength, stability, and the ability to stay true to oneself amidst external pressures.
34. Water Violet: For aloofness, detachment, and a preference for solitude. Encourages openness, connection, and the willingness to engage authentically with others.
35. White Chestnut: For persistent, unwanted thoughts and mental chatter. Brings about mental clarity, inner peace, and the ability to quiet the mind.
36. Wild Oat: For feelings of uncertainty and a lack of direction in life. Helps to clarify goals, discover purpose, and pursue one's true calling with confidence.
37. Wild Rose: For apathy, resignation, and a lack of interest in life. Restores enthusiasm, zest for life, and the willingness to embrace new experiences.
38. Willow: For feelings of bitterness, resentment, and self-pity. Cultivates forgiveness, acceptance, and the ability to let go of past grievances, fostering inner peace and emotional freedom.
* Each Bach Flower Remedy addresses specific emotional states and can be chosen based on an individual's unique needs and personality traits. When used appropriately, these remedies can help restore balance, harmony, and well-being on all levels.
Cell Salts:
12 Cell Salts and their uses:
1. Calcarea Fluorica (Calc Fluor):
- Uses: Weak connective tissues, ligaments, tendons, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, dental problems (such as cavities and receding gums).
- Benefits: Strengthens tissues, supports elasticity, promotes dental health, aids in the repair of damaged tissues.
2. Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc Phos):
- Uses: Bone and teeth health, growth, development in children, fractures, slow healing bones, teething problems, indigestion.
- Benefits: Supports bone formation, aids in calcium absorption, promotes healthy growth and development.
3. Calcarea Sulphurica (Calc Sulph):
- Uses: Acne, pimples, boils, abscesses, slow healing wounds, skin eruptions with yellow discharge.
- Benefits: Helps to cleanse the blood and expel toxins, promotes healing of skin conditions, supports tissue repair.
4. Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferr Phos):
- Uses: Inflammation, fever, first stages of acute illness (such as colds, flu, sore throat), minor injuries, nosebleeds.
- Benefits: Supports the immune system, reduces inflammation, helps to alleviate symptoms of acute conditions.
5. Kali Muriaticum (Kali Mur):
- Uses: Congestion, coughs, colds with white mucus, sore throat, swollen glands, sinusitis, tonsillitis.
- Benefits: Helps to clear congestion, reduces swelling of mucous membranes, supports respiratory health.
6. Kali Phosphoricum (Kali Phos):
- Uses: Nervous exhaustion, mental fatigue, stress-related symptoms, anxiety, depression, insomnia, nervous headaches.
- Benefits: Calms the nervous system, relieves mental and emotional tension, promotes relaxation and restful sleep.
7. Kali Sulphuricum (Kali Sulph):
- Uses: Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, dandruff), yellowish discharges, respiratory conditions with yellow mucus (bronchitis, asthma).
- Benefits: Supports skin health, helps to clear yellowish discharges, promotes healing of skin and respiratory conditions.
8. Magnesia Phosphorica (Mag Phos):
- Uses: Muscle cramps, spasms, menstrual cramps, abdominal colic, neuralgic pains, sciatica, toothaches.
- Benefits: Relieves muscle tension and cramps, reduces pain and discomfort, supports nerve health.
9. Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur):
- Uses: Fluid balance, emotional health (grief, heartbreak), headaches, cold sores, dry skin, hay fever, watery discharge.
- Benefits: Regulates fluid balance, supports emotional balance, helps to alleviate symptoms of grief and emotional stress.
10. Natrum Phosphoricum (Nat Phos):
- Uses: Acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, rheumatic pains, joint stiffness aggravated by acidity.
- Benefits: Neutralizes excess acidity in the body, aids in digestion, relieves symptoms of acid-related conditions.
11. Natrum Sulphuricum (Nat Sulph):
- Uses: Liver support, water retention, digestive issues (bloating, flatulence), rheumatic pains worsened by damp weather.
- Benefits: Supports liver function, helps to eliminate excess water from the body, aids in digestion.
12. Silicea (Silica):
- Uses: Weak nails, brittle hair, hair loss, slow healing wounds, acne, abscesses, boils, chronic infections, nervous exhaustion.
- Benefits: Strengthens connective tissues, promotes healthy hair and nails, supports the immune system, aids in detoxification.
* The 12-In-1 cell salt refers to a combination of all twelve individual cell salts (also known as Schuessler cell salts). These salts are prepared according to the principles of homeopathy and are designed to restore mineral balance in the body, which is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being.
Each of the twelve cell salts corresponds to a specific mineral and plays a unique role in supporting various bodily functions. When taken together as a combination, they provide comprehensive support for cellular health, helping to address a wide range of symptoms associated with mineral imbalances.
By including all twelve cell salts in one formula, the 12-in-1 cell salt offers a convenient and comprehensive way to support the body's mineral needs and promote holistic wellness.
Homeopathic Remedies and Medicines:
Homeopathic remedies are made from highly diluted substances derived from plants, minerals, or animals. They work on the principle of "like cures like," meaning a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.
Here are some popular homeopathic remedies:
Top 12 to keep your Medicine kit! (*Please note there are many more that you may find helpful for certain ailments, please do your own research for further needs)
1. Aconitum Napellus: For sudden onset of illnesses, fever, and shock.
2. Apis Mellifica: For insect bites, allergic reactions, and swelling.
3. Arnica Montana: For bruises, muscle soreness, and trauma.
4. Belladonna: For sudden fever, inflammation, and throbbing pains.
5. Ignatia Amara: For grief, emotional upsets, and mood swings.
6. Nux Vomica: For indigestion, hangovers, and irritability.
7. Pulsatilla: For emotional imbalance, menstrual issues, and coughs.
8. Rhus Toxicodendron: For joint stiffness, sprains, and skin rashes.
9. Sepia: For hormonal imbalances, fatigue, and mood swings.
10. Sulphur: For skin conditions, itching, and digestive issues.
11. Thuja Occidentalis: For skin problems, warts, and vaccination reactions.
12. Lycopodium Clavatum: For digestive disorders, bloating, and low self-confidence.
Welcome to our homeopathy resources page, where you can find comprehensive information about various homeopathic remedies, medicines, and therapies.
Bach Flower Remedies:
Bach Flower Remedies are a system of natural remedies designed to help balance emotions and promote overall well-being. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, these remedies are made from flower essences and are used to address specific emotional states.
Here is a brief overview of each Bach Flower Remedy and what they address:
1. Agrimony: For those who hide their worries behind a cheerful facade. It helps to address inner turmoil, anxiety, and emotional pain masked by a jovial exterior.
2. Aspen: For vague fears and anxiety of unknown origin. Useful for addressing apprehension, premonitions, and unexplained feelings of dread.
3. Beech: For intolerance and critical attitudes towards others. Helps to promote tolerance, understanding, and acceptance of differences.
4. Centaury: For people who have difficulty saying no and are easily influenced by others. Aids in asserting oneself, setting boundaries, and gaining inner strength.
5. Cerato: For lack of trust in one's own judgment and constantly seeking advice from others. Supports intuition, confidence, and self-reliance in decision-making.
6. Cherry Plum: For fear of losing control and irrational thoughts. It helps to bring about inner calm, mental clarity, and emotional stability during moments of crisis.
7. Chestnut Bud: For those who fail to learn from past mistakes and repeat them. Encourages awareness, reflection, and the ability to break repetitive patterns.
8. Chicory: For possessive and overprotective behavior. Promotes unconditional love, generosity, and the ability to give without expecting anything in return.
9. Clematis: For dreamy, absent-minded individuals who have difficulty concentrating. Helps to ground the individual in the present moment, fostering focus, and practicality.
10. Crab Apple: For feelings of shame, self-disgust, and obsession with cleanliness. Supports self-acceptance, purity, and a balanced sense of self.
11. Elm: For feelings of overwhelm and inadequacy when facing responsibilities. Restores confidence, resilience, and the ability to handle tasks with ease.
12. Gentian: For despondency and pessimism after setbacks or challenges. Brings about renewed hope, faith, and optimism in the face of adversity.
13. Gorse: For feelings of hopelessness and despair, with a sense of resignation. Instills faith, perseverance, and a belief in the possibility of positive outcomes.
14. Heather: For those who constantly seek attention and tend to monopolize conversations. Encourages empathy, listening skills, and consideration for others' needs.
15. Holly: For feelings of jealousy, suspicion, and resentment towards others. Promotes love, compassion, and openness to experiencing genuine connections with others.
16. Honeysuckle: For dwelling on memories, nostalgia, and homesickness. It helps to release attachments to the past, fostering presence and acceptance of the present moment.
17. Hornbeam: For feelings of mental and physical fatigue, especially in the morning. Restores vitality, motivation, and enthusiasm for daily tasks.
18. Impatiens: For impatience, irritability, and a tendency to rush things. Cultivates patience, tolerance, and the ability to move through life with ease and grace.
19. Larch: For lack of confidence and fear of failure. Builds self-assurance, inner strength, and the belief in one's abilities to succeed.
20. Mimulus: For fear of known things, shyness, and timidity. Provides courage, inner peace, and the ability to confront fears with confidence.
21. Mustard: For sudden onset of deep sadness or depression with no apparent cause. Dispels gloom, restores emotional balance, and brings about inner lightness.
22. Oak: For perseverance, strength, and resilience in the face of adversity. Supports endurance, determination, and the ability to keep going despite challenges.
23. Olive: For exhaustion, both mental and physical, after periods of intense activity. Restores energy, vitality, and a sense of rejuvenation after periods of depletion.
24. Pine: For feelings of guilt, self-blame, and unworthiness. Promotes self-acceptance, forgiveness, and a balanced sense of self-worth.
25. Red Chestnut: For excessive worry and fear for the well-being of others. Encourages trust, faith, and the ability to let go of unnecessary concerns.
26. Rock Rose: For situations involving terror, panic, or extreme fear. Provides courage, strength, and the ability to face challenging situations with calmness and resilience.
27. Rock Water: For rigid attitudes, self-denial, and perfectionism. Encourages flexibility, self-acceptance, and the ability to embrace imperfections.
28. Scleranthus: For indecision, fluctuating moods, and difficulty making choices. Brings about inner balance, decisiveness, and the ability to trust one's intuition.
29. Star of Bethlehem: For shock, trauma, and emotional healing. Supports inner peace, comfort, and the release of emotional wounds from past experiences.
30. Sweet Chestnut: For extreme mental anguish and despair, often described as the "dark night of the soul." Offers solace, hope, and the promise of renewal during times of deepest despair.
31. Vervain: For overenthusiasm, hyperactivity, and a tendency to push oneself too hard. Encourages moderation, balance, and the ability to channel energy effectively.
32. Vine: For domineering, authoritarian behavior, and a lack of empathy towards others. Promotes leadership qualities tempered with compassion, respect, and cooperation.
33. Walnut: For protection from outside influences during periods of transition or change. Provides inner strength, stability, and the ability to stay true to oneself amidst external pressures.
34. Water Violet: For aloofness, detachment, and a preference for solitude. Encourages openness, connection, and the willingness to engage authentically with others.
35. White Chestnut: For persistent, unwanted thoughts and mental chatter. Brings about mental clarity, inner peace, and the ability to quiet the mind.
36. Wild Oat: For feelings of uncertainty and a lack of direction in life. Helps to clarify goals, discover purpose, and pursue one's true calling with confidence.
37. Wild Rose: For apathy, resignation, and a lack of interest in life. Restores enthusiasm, zest for life, and the willingness to embrace new experiences.
38. Willow: For feelings of bitterness, resentment, and self-pity. Cultivates forgiveness, acceptance, and the ability to let go of past grievances, fostering inner peace and emotional freedom.
* Each Bach Flower Remedy addresses specific emotional states and can be chosen based on an individual's unique needs and personality traits. When used appropriately, these remedies can help restore balance, harmony, and well-being on all levels.
Cell Salts:
12 Cell Salts and their uses:
1. Calcarea Fluorica (Calc Fluor):
- Uses: Weak connective tissues, ligaments, tendons, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, dental problems (such as cavities and receding gums).
- Benefits: Strengthens tissues, supports elasticity, promotes dental health, aids in the repair of damaged tissues.
2. Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc Phos):
- Uses: Bone and teeth health, growth, development in children, fractures, slow healing bones, teething problems, indigestion.
- Benefits: Supports bone formation, aids in calcium absorption, promotes healthy growth and development.
3. Calcarea Sulphurica (Calc Sulph):
- Uses: Acne, pimples, boils, abscesses, slow healing wounds, skin eruptions with yellow discharge.
- Benefits: Helps to cleanse the blood and expel toxins, promotes healing of skin conditions, supports tissue repair.
4. Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferr Phos):
- Uses: Inflammation, fever, first stages of acute illness (such as colds, flu, sore throat), minor injuries, nosebleeds.
- Benefits: Supports the immune system, reduces inflammation, helps to alleviate symptoms of acute conditions.
5. Kali Muriaticum (Kali Mur):
- Uses: Congestion, coughs, colds with white mucus, sore throat, swollen glands, sinusitis, tonsillitis.
- Benefits: Helps to clear congestion, reduces swelling of mucous membranes, supports respiratory health.
6. Kali Phosphoricum (Kali Phos):
- Uses: Nervous exhaustion, mental fatigue, stress-related symptoms, anxiety, depression, insomnia, nervous headaches.
- Benefits: Calms the nervous system, relieves mental and emotional tension, promotes relaxation and restful sleep.
7. Kali Sulphuricum (Kali Sulph):
- Uses: Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, dandruff), yellowish discharges, respiratory conditions with yellow mucus (bronchitis, asthma).
- Benefits: Supports skin health, helps to clear yellowish discharges, promotes healing of skin and respiratory conditions.
8. Magnesia Phosphorica (Mag Phos):
- Uses: Muscle cramps, spasms, menstrual cramps, abdominal colic, neuralgic pains, sciatica, toothaches.
- Benefits: Relieves muscle tension and cramps, reduces pain and discomfort, supports nerve health.
9. Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur):
- Uses: Fluid balance, emotional health (grief, heartbreak), headaches, cold sores, dry skin, hay fever, watery discharge.
- Benefits: Regulates fluid balance, supports emotional balance, helps to alleviate symptoms of grief and emotional stress.
10. Natrum Phosphoricum (Nat Phos):
- Uses: Acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, rheumatic pains, joint stiffness aggravated by acidity.
- Benefits: Neutralizes excess acidity in the body, aids in digestion, relieves symptoms of acid-related conditions.
11. Natrum Sulphuricum (Nat Sulph):
- Uses: Liver support, water retention, digestive issues (bloating, flatulence), rheumatic pains worsened by damp weather.
- Benefits: Supports liver function, helps to eliminate excess water from the body, aids in digestion.
12. Silicea (Silica):
- Uses: Weak nails, brittle hair, hair loss, slow healing wounds, acne, abscesses, boils, chronic infections, nervous exhaustion.
- Benefits: Strengthens connective tissues, promotes healthy hair and nails, supports the immune system, aids in detoxification.
* The 12-In-1 cell salt refers to a combination of all twelve individual cell salts (also known as Schuessler cell salts). These salts are prepared according to the principles of homeopathy and are designed to restore mineral balance in the body, which is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being.
Each of the twelve cell salts corresponds to a specific mineral and plays a unique role in supporting various bodily functions. When taken together as a combination, they provide comprehensive support for cellular health, helping to address a wide range of symptoms associated with mineral imbalances.
By including all twelve cell salts in one formula, the 12-in-1 cell salt offers a convenient and comprehensive way to support the body's mineral needs and promote holistic wellness.
Homeopathic Remedies and Medicines:
Homeopathic remedies are made from highly diluted substances derived from plants, minerals, or animals. They work on the principle of "like cures like," meaning a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.
Here are some popular homeopathic remedies:
Top 12 to keep your Medicine kit! (*Please note there are many more that you may find helpful for certain ailments, please do your own research for further needs)
1. Aconitum Napellus: For sudden onset of illnesses, fever, and shock.
2. Apis Mellifica: For insect bites, allergic reactions, and swelling.
3. Arnica Montana: For bruises, muscle soreness, and trauma.
4. Belladonna: For sudden fever, inflammation, and throbbing pains.
5. Ignatia Amara: For grief, emotional upsets, and mood swings.
6. Nux Vomica: For indigestion, hangovers, and irritability.
7. Pulsatilla: For emotional imbalance, menstrual issues, and coughs.
8. Rhus Toxicodendron: For joint stiffness, sprains, and skin rashes.
9. Sepia: For hormonal imbalances, fatigue, and mood swings.
10. Sulphur: For skin conditions, itching, and digestive issues.
11. Thuja Occidentalis: For skin problems, warts, and vaccination reactions.
12. Lycopodium Clavatum: For digestive disorders, bloating, and low self-confidence.
While homeopathy has been used for centuries and many people find it beneficial, it is important to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner or healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen. Homeopathy is not intended to replace conventional medical care, and it is essential to seek medical attention for serious or life-threatening conditions.
Author- Crystal Camp-Kravtsov
Bestselling Author and Intuitive Healer, Guiding Transformative Spiritual Journeys with a Diverse Toolbox of Healing Modalities and Intuitive Wisdom.
🌿 Outdoor enthusiast, animal lover, and devoted parent to three amazing kids. Proud caretaker of chickens, dogs, and cats.
💫 Skilled in QHHT and D-Codes Certified Practitioner, with a passion for hypnosis and energy healing. Utilizes mediumship to facilitate profound healing experiences.
🌍 A wanderer at heart, always seeking new adventures. Secretly dreams of chasing tornado storms.
💔 Started a transformative healing journey in 2017 after experiencing the devastating loss of both a sister and an ex-husband to suicide within 18 months.
📚 Fueled by a thirst for knowledge beyond traditional avenues, delved into publishing to share personal stories. Became an Amazon Bestselling Author through collaboration books, with aspirations to publish a personal memoir.
🏞️ Relocated from Louisiana to Oklahoma in 2016, unaware of the profound healing journey that awaited.
💖 Partnered for 12 years with a supportive and loving partner.